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About Us
Soulmate Film是一家位於香港LGBTQIA友好型戶外攝影工作室。由來自馬來西亞、目前長期定居在香港的攝影師Lisa Lim所創立。我們以獨特的視角捕捉每一個客戶的本質,將藝術融入到每一個作品之中。我們致力於為不同背景的客戶提供真誠的攝影和影片編輯服務。無論您是個人、情侶、家庭還是企業客戶,我們都能為您呈現一個獨一無二的視覺故事。歡迎您探索我們的作品集,了解我們的服務。
Soulmate Film is a LGBTQIA-friendly on-location photography studio located in Hong Kong, founded by the experienced Malaysian photographer Lisa Lim. We capture the essence of each subject with a unique perspective, infusing artistry into every creation. We are committed to providing sincere photography and video editing services to a diverse clientele. Whether you are an individual, a couple, a family, or a business customer, we can present you with a one-of-a-kind visual story. We welcome you to explore our gallery and learn about our services.
攝錄剪輯|Video Editing
攝錄剪輯|Video Editing
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Chevin Soft Lauch 全過程記錄片,現場仙氣飄飄美女如雲!一起看看这有意义的一天❤️
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About Me
"Embracing in the warmth of emotional resonance."
我是Lisa,Soulmate Film的創辦人。作為一名攝影師,我熱愛用文字和影像來紀錄下每一個值得留念的、不可複製的珍貴時刻。"Soulmate"這個詞給了我一種非常純粹、神聖和心靈深處相通的感覺。它代表著人與人之間最美好、最珍貴的連結,不論任何性別。
2016年,我遇見了我的Soulmate;2024年,她已合法成為我的太太。我們一起經歷了很多充滿戲劇性事情,身為LGBTQIA的一員,我們更能明白各種來自生活中的挑戰,這就是為什麼我創辦了Soulmate Film,並且致力於服務每一個人。
真實自然、充滿寧靜故事感的影像是我所擅長的。但除了拍攝照片之外,我還希望能夠投資在您身上 - 您的故事,您的願景。當您選擇與Soulmate Film合作時,您不僅僅是雇用了一位攝影師,更是一個真誠關心您體驗的朋友。我很榮幸能聆聽您的故事,並與您攜手將其以一種獨一無二的視覺敘事方式保留下來。
I am Lisa, the founder of Soulmate Film. As a photographer, I love using words, images, or video to document every precious, unrepeatable moment. The word "Soulmate" gives me a sense of pure, sacred, and deep spiritual connection. It represents the most beautiful and precious bond between people, regardless of gender.
In 2016, I met my Soulmate. In 2024, she has legally become my wife. We have experienced many dramatic events together, and as a member of the LGBTQIA community, we are more aware of the various challenges that come with life, which is why I founded Soulmate Film and dedicated to serving everyone.
I want to transform the belief that my wife has instilled in me into a meaningful mission to have a positive impact on more people. The core of my work is to capture the authentic essence of each client, whether it's an individual, a couple, a family, or a business. With a sincere desire, I will treat every project with attention to detail, empathy, and flexibility, aiming to become the best medium to present your story.
Natural, tranquil, cinematic imagery is my forte. But beyond just taking photographs, I also hope to invest in you - your story, your vision. When you choose Soulmate Film, you are not just hiring a photographer or editor, but a genuine friend who cares about your experience. I am honored to listen to your story and work with you to preserve it in an unique visual narrative.
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