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Below are some common questions. If you have any other questions you'd like me to address, please feel free to contact us.



After we decide on the shooting date, I will charge a 50% non-refundable deposit to reserve your time slot. After collecting the deposit, if there are any weather issues or personal emergencies, you are allowed to reschedule the shooting date 1 time for free, valid within 6 months.

Before Shooting 


After deposit, I will send a welcome survey which will include asking about your reference photos, style, specific retouching needs, and more. I will strive to customize each customer's unique needs, and I will also recommend shooting locations based on personal preferences, clothing matching, or your story background.

Makeup/Gown rental


I work independently and do not provide the services of a makeup or styling team, but I can provide introductions to local makeup artists and gown rentals.

Photo Details

預設情況下,所有照片均以 [.jpg] 格式提供,我不提供/不販賣任何原始 [.raw] 文件。所有拍攝作品將上傳Google Drive(國際版)或百度網盤(內地版)全數返回當天所拍攝的底片。關於菲林,1卷菲林會返回 36張照片,2卷會返回72張照片。

All photos are provided in [.jpg] format by default, I will not provide/sell any raw [.raw] files. All photos taken will be uploaded to Google Drive (international version)/Baidu Cloud Disk (mainland version) and all negatives taken on that day will be returned. Regarding film, 1 roll of film will return 36 photos, and 2 rolls will return 72 photos.



I advocate natural and comfortable beauty, so I only make basic modifications to certain details, and I will not accept highly photoshopped customers. If you have special requirements for retouching, please communicate your needs in advance. If you are not satisfied with the finished film after delivery, you can return it for free once.


顧客選片後將按照順序進入後台處理階段。無論任何類型的拍攝,週轉時間均為 2-4 週,我將會在確保每張照片都有充足時間精心處理下,盡快交付照片。

After the customer selects the films, they will enter the background processing stage in order. Turnaround time for any type of shoot is 2-4 weeks and I will deliver photos as quickly as possible ensuring each photo is given adequate time and care.



In some packages, I can provide an on-site assistant to help carry bag, drag the dress/veil, and take behind-the-scenes photos with a mobile phone. Please talk to me for details.

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